Where is lake natron in tanzania
Where is lake natron in tanzania

where is lake natron in tanzania where is lake natron in tanzania

Accordingly, the area of the soda lake varies between 800 square kilometres at the end of the rainy season and one square kilometre towards the end of the dry season, depending on how much rain has fallen in the region. Sometimes the shallow lake dries up completely and leaves a white salt crust. At the height of the dry season it can shrink to about 2 km width. In total, the lake is about 60 km long and 20 km wide, but since it is mainly fed by rainfall, its extent varies greatly. Flamingos are the only more highly developed creatures that can settle in the hot, stuffy world of Lake Natron, thanks to the algae growing rapidly in the fresh water with no runoff. Here it is advisable to wear good sunglasses. The water level shimmers glaringly in the sun and the dried out edges of the lake are covered with a track-white salt crust. However, the heat at the lakeshore is mostly quite oppressive and the air is quite stuffy, as a lot of water evaporates at the lake surface due to the hot climate. This lake is probably one of the most beautiful soda lakes in Africa, situated in the middle of a fascinating desert landscape. National Parks and Conservation Areas →.Marangu Village Kilimanjaro Cultural Tour.

Where is lake natron in tanzania